Being such a big fan of haunted attractions that pop up around this time of year, I've tried to hit as many as I realistically can each Halloween season. No matter how many I visited, I always made it a point to visit one north of my town called Terror on Rural Street. Why? Because this mother always delivered in every way, shape and form a haunted attraction could!
This was the one that I would usually judge others up against. It really had everything! Wonderfully creepy tableaus, pop-out scares timed just right, a cool as frell facade and a myriad of wonderful effects and actors and actresses were always the order of the day, served with a side order of blood, screams and howls every year. Each year they'd have a different theme and always do it up big time! When I first started going, it had a medieval theme with a huge, working draw bridge as part of the entrance. Then one year it was a creepy mortuary / coffin company. The less extravagant facade revealed a VERY creepy atmosphere. Last year they had a sci-fi theme reminiscent of video games such as Resident Evil and Doom. It was one of the haunt's best years yet!
If the pictures on their website were any indication, it looked like this year (2005) was going to hearken back to a more creepy and spooky theme with a haunted house type of facade. It looked it was going to be another banner year for Terror on Rural Street.
That is why most of us local haunt enthusiasts were shocked and saddened when it was announced by organizers that Terror on Rural Street would be shut down for the 2005 season and possibly for some time there after. With what little info I could muster from the Haunted Wisconsin.com message board on its closing, I could only surmise that it was due to a severe breakdown of communication and a few egos that got a bit out of hand within the Terror on Rural Street camp. Now the whole thing is frelled up for everyone, both those who work on it and those who attend it every year. This haunt has been open 7 years and it's quite saddening to see it go out this way.
Though organizers are being quite cryptic about its future, I'm really hoping that it will open for the 2006 season! It'd be such a shame to allow a few dunder-heads to ruin something so creatively magnificent a staple of the Halloween season!
In other otherworldly exploits, I'm trying to put a group together to go to at least one haunt this year. I know it's a bit of a downgrade from the 8 haunted attractions I visited last year, but beggars can't be choosers. So I'll let you all know what goes on and give whatever haunt I visit a review here on my Blog of Geekdom.
Though we're having a bit of a warm spell here right now (80's), it is expected to get a bit more fall-like latter in the week. I'm actually looking forward to it (I won't have to worry about the out of control humidity in my little humidor where my cigars lay snug). I'm also seeing a lot of yards and homes with Halloween decorations up already. I have my Jack-O-Lanterns in the windows of Zangz's Geekdom National Headquarters for passers by to get a small kick out of. So whoopee for that.
I'm done for now. I'm sure I'll have a lot more spookiness and creepiosity to dig up real soon. So stay tuned. Zangz.
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