Sinister Jack's

Sinister Jack's
It's that time of year here in my Blog of Geekdom.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Nursing a cold.... OF THE DEAD!

I have to drop a line here and mention that I had one of the best Halloween times that I've had all season yesterday! Went over to my sister's and brother-in-law's yesterday and helped set up a little graveyard haunt for their neighborhood's Trick-or-Treat.

What they do is the neighborhood association chooses about three to four streets that are in a row and then close them off to traffic so that neighborhood kids can Trick-or-Treat safely and at night, like the good old days.

The weather was pefect, not too cold, yet not unseasonably warm. And the tree colors were at their peak with more than enough on the ground to help cover up our light up cadaver coming up from the grave.

It turned out to be a real festive atmosphere as a huge amount of families and kids tore around the streets scaring eachother, getting candy and enjoying the many Halloween decorations that a lot of the homes put up. Our graveyard wasn't huge, but it had a heck of a lot of detail put into it.

On top of that my bro-in-law dressed as the grim reaper and would scare a lot of the kids and parents alike. He pulled the ol', patented "stand in the yard pretending to be a maniquin until people come close enough and then spook 'em" trick. It worked quite well. I think there was only one lady who was being a bit of a party pooper about it and gave him a dirty look and mumbled something under her breath. Yo, beeeeeeeeeoooootch! It's Halloween! Lighten the frell up or stay at home and sulk! If you don't have the Halloween spirit, you have no spirit at all! That's my motto!

After the Trick-or-Treat escapades, we ajourned inside to eat drink and be merry and now I'm paying for it today with a touch of a cold and a slight spec of indigestion (you don't wanna use my bathroom for a while, trust me.)

Well, I'm off to watch some TV and have a little breakfast. Enjoy the rest of your Halloween season!!!

P.S. Don't forget about what comes out on DVD this Tuesday!

P.P.S. This just in! Sad news for die hard Star Wars fans as news of character actor, William Hootkin's passing hits the net. Porkins will live forever!!


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