Sinister Jack's

Sinister Jack's
It's that time of year here in my Blog of Geekdom.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

The Season of the Dead has ARRIVED!!!!

"Into the flames and without shame, Consumed with howls and screams, Pumpkins Grin in their despair, On All Hallows Eve."
From Type-O-Negative's "All Hallows Eve"

It is the 1st of October. Some people are under the impression that Halloween is to be celebrated on only the 31st. But, as you can see by the dead things that have started to occupy my Blog of Geekdom, Halloween shall be celebrated throughout the entire month of October here.

The Halloween season is the most magical time of the year. It is also the most mysterious. As the tree's lose their leaves, the wind starts to chill and the darkness ends the days sooner, our minds tend to play slight tricks on us... or are they just tricks?

The shadows grow darker and seem to take on form. There is a smoky cent that permeates the air at nightfall. We seem more susceptible to see movements out of the corner of our eyes when nobody else is in the room. We think we hear faint cries in the night as we take an evening stroll. The graveyards and abandoned buildings seem to give off a strange energy of those who were once here and are now in the beyond.... or do they return during this season?

For the entire month of October and the Halloween season I'll be waxing poetic on all things creepy, spooky and undead here in my Blog of Geekdom.

So lets welcome these strange beings from beyond with something I haven't done in a while. And that would be another....


Haunted Wisconsin
This website is my absolute favorite this time of year! I know, I already have it as one of my permanent links here on the Blog of Geekdom, but I think it needs special accolades. This site is in it's fifth year and is a wonderful resource for everything that's going on in the Wisconsin area that's Halloween or Haunted Attraction related. Want to go to a local haunt but, don't know how the get there? Are you trying to figure out if a particular haunt is appropriate for your kids? Do you want to find a haunt that's nearby? Do you want to know if a specific haunt is up to your standards of scare? Do you have to many frelling questions about haunted attractions in Wisconsin? Then this is most definitely the place for you! This site has message boards, reviews, information and links to many of the local haunts that pop up this time of year. It's a well rounded resource for those of us who like to get are spook going!

Well, I gotta get started sprucing up my den of geekdom with Halloween decor. So I'll talk to you again real soon! Have a Happy beginning to the Halloween season.


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