I hope you all had a really nice Labor Day weekend and are recovering nicely from all the food and brews you stuffed into your system.
Robhain was a success, as usual. I won't give you a play by play, but suffice it to say Roberto made out good at his B-day celebration. The father to be also scored some nice baby gifts. But, the highlight of the evening was the failed attempt at primitive ground warfare that was a junkyard wars meets sloppy slingshots and water rockets battle. It was both very impressive while also futile. I should talk, I have all the workmanship and engineering skills of a moist towelette. During the construction part of the contest I spent the time mumbling... "Ummm...what do I do now? How in the heck do I do that? Current vs. Resistance equals voltage? What the frell does that mean?" Even though my team had the world's biggest dullard (that'd be me) on their team, we still had a great time. And D-La had WAY too much sugar.
I may have raised some eyebrows when I last described what I got Roberto. But, what I really got Rob was an autographed book, "Make Love the Bruce Campbell Way" by author / actor Bruce Campbell, and when I finally get my pictures developed, I'll send Roberto a picture of Bruce actually signing his book. I may even post it on the blog here.
Some other stuff.... Alice Cooper (another favorite of Roberto's and mine) has his own radio show and I'm going to try and see if I can't get my rickety old portable FM radio to work so I can listen while smoking a Cuba Libre outside this evening. Roberto and I saw Alice a few years back at a county fair with some other friends joining us. Alice was phenomenal and still puts on a theatrically stellar show. He's the only guy who can boast that one day he'll be golfing with Michael Douglas and Katherine Zeta Jones and the next day he'll be having his own head severed by a guillotine on stage in front of thousands of people. Ya gotta look up to a guy like that.
Ok, I'm outta here. Just had to spout a little pop culture crud onto the world wide web to boost my own lack of self esteem.
We'll talk soon.
Prep Your Published Adventure
I generally don’t use published material for my games; I have always
enjoyed running my material. From time to time and depending on the game, I
find that ...
1 week ago
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