Sinister Jack's

Sinister Jack's
It's that time of year here in my Blog of Geekdom.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Been a while....

It's been a while. To be perfectly honest, I haven't been in a very happy-go-lucky, life is bliss, blogging mood within the last week. Not to go into great detail, but I have the unnerving feeling that dark times loom ahead for this here geek. Nothing life threatening, mind you, just kinda crappy. So I haven't been the jovial nerd that I usually am and haven't found a lot to blog on about.

But I guess I'll have to give it a whirl, if not for myself for the 6.5 people who occasionally visit this site. So let me see what frivolity I can muster up.....

  • My favorite season is approaching. Halloween!!! Although this year it will be quite subdued, I usually go ALL OUT for this holiday. This is my Christmas. In past years I've hit about 8 different haunted attractions in one month. I can't get enough of those things! I love the creativity and imagination that people put into them. I'll blog more on the holiday as it grows near. I may even decorate the Blog of Geekdom this year. But as things are going, I'll probably end up celebrating by sitting on my front stoop while being pelted with eggs and rocks from trick or treaters.
  • The 2nd season premier of Lost is on tonight!! I've raved about this show before and I'll rave about it now. The writing on this show is phenomenal! If you didn't catch last season, then you need to go get the full season one on DVD at your nearest video store and watch it. You'd better frellin' hurry since season two starts in about 1/2 an hour from now. So get to it, polky!
  • I'm still plodding away at Neil Gaiman's "American Gods" novel. Don't get me wrong, it's a good book. The fact of the matter is that I'm quite the dullard and I just don't read 800+ page books that quickly. It took me 6+ months to read "The Talisman" and "Black House" from Straub and King and this puppy is taking me just as long. I'm better at reading quick, fast moving thrillers like, "The DaVinci Code" or "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown or any of the Alex Cross mysteries by James Patterson. I may take a break and try to find a really good scary book for Halloween season and then finish off "American Gods". I'm also still reading the children's James Bond novel, "Silverfin" by Charlie Higson. I'll give a review of these once I'm all done with them. (which at this rate may be spring of 2006.)
I think that wraps it up for today. I'll try to not abandon you for that amount of time again, 'cause I know how void your existences become when there's no new Blog of Geekdom for you to fulfill your lives with.


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