Sinister Jack's

Sinister Jack's
It's that time of year here in my Blog of Geekdom.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Crap! It's almost over.

Well folks, were in the last days of my beloved Halloween season. I know, it's sad to say. This fall started out pretty nice with the leaves changing color and the sky being sunny. But, the last few weeks have been unseasonably cold and rainy. This has put a big damper on the season of the dead.

But, there are a few Halloween-esqe things for me to still look forward to.

#1. I'm off tomorrow! Whoo-hoo!

#2. I'm going out tomorrow night to see the psycho-billy band Pychomania play a show.

#3. Though, my friends are completely sick of having to be dragged to local Haunted Attractions, we're still going to celebrate the season on Saturday with a huge inflatable haunted house for youngin's to play around in while we all drink and feast completely ignoring their futile screams of terror as the house deflates on top of them. Good times...good times.

#4. A pumpkin carving party on Sunday night!
#5. Diner at my sisters while watching a good ol' Hammer Horror movie. Can you believe that my sister (who is void of any sense of geekiness) is into the Hammer Horror movies more than I am. Jeeze, I need to catch up!

I also think that I shall indulge in a bit of Halloween movie watching tomorrow. I think Sleepy Hollow and The Others will be on the bill. Perhaps even The Haunting may make it's way to my DVD player if I'm feeling that kitschy tomorrow. We'll see.

After that it's all downhill with the crappy holiday season. Bah Humbug, Bah Humbug and Bah FRACKIN' Humbug!

Oh yes. I'll warn you all now that another wonderful episode of Zangz's Pod of Geekdom should be up this coming Monday evening. It is the last of the Haunted Attraction/Halloween shows and once again features my good friend and fiend, Dr. Roberto Del Amorte! So check it out, won't you?

I finally got to see the video game based movie Silent Hill. I have to give props to the production designers as the first part of the movie really captured the feel of the video games quite wonderfully. It was the plot and story line that went south as the movie ran on. It's not a total waste if you're a fan of the video games and the Horror genre in general. There is some really creepy imagery in this as there is in the video game. It's also cool that Sean Bean has a bit role in this movie.

I'm still a bit peeved that I have yet to see any real excellent and imaginative Halloween displays or yard haunts out there this year. There's a lot of cutesy crap up, but no huge gothic graveyard with rotting corpses rising from the grave. Sigh. I guess my home town is void of any sense of imagination.

What am I listening to right now, you ask? Well, I'm still in the Halloween mood so it's Wednesday 13's "Transylvania 90210, Songs of Death, Dying and the Dead"". A fun little rocker that's sounds like Alice Cooper on acid. It's nice to know that the whole grunge scene didn't kill off the creativity and imagination of Rock'N'Roll like it almost did. Check them out, won't you?

I think that that's about it for this evening. I may pop in once more during the Halloween season. Or, I may not. Who knows at this point.

Until next time, life's a grave... Dig it!


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