Sinister Jack's

Sinister Jack's
It's that time of year here in my Blog of Geekdom.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

40 Years of Boldly Going.....

Being a hard core Star Wars fan boy, I know what it is like to be faithful and dedicated to a specific Sci-Fi institution. The action figures, midnight premier showings and way too long discussions on the 6 movies and they're accompanying video games, comics and novels always springs up a scenes of joy and excitement that the average yuppie, jock and "normal" human being will never understand.

That is why I salute the contingency of Trekkies around the world on the 40th anniversary of the Star Trek franchise. It all started 40 years ago last week, when Star Trek aired on network television. Although this series would only last three seasons, it would slowly spawn not only a national movement, but 4 other spin off TV series as well as 10 movies and thousands of toys and other collectibles.

Having gone to a few genre conventions in my day, I'd always marvel at the huge turn out of Trekkies that would attend and how unified they were in their love of all things Trek.

Sure, they certainly are of their own breed. I mean you gotta wonder how may restraining orders Star Trek:Voyager actress, Jerri Ryan, doles out a year. But, in the end Trekkies take the ridicule like an odd badge of honor. Good for them!! I have to admit, I've never met a Trekkie I didn't like!!

So once again, congratz to the lot of ya!

I'll be making this post short and sweet as I have some preproduction work to do for my next Zangz's Pod Of Geekdom Podcast.

Here's something I mean to do here more often but never think to do it. So strap in for another segment of.....

While doing some research for the next podcast, I fell into this wonderful little Memory Lane of a delite that will surely send a lot of us old school action figure fans back to the days of tossing our Superman figures across the backyard in hopes that his cheesy vinyl cape would help him glide just a little bit. The Mego company made loads and loads of fully possible action figures of dozens of Super Heros from both Marvel and DC comics. Take a peek and see all the figures they made.

Ok, kids, I told you it would be a quick one this time. Until next time, I'll leave you with more insightful words my father would tell me...
"Damnit Zangz! Stop playing so rough with your toys, 'cause if you break them I'm not buying you new ones!"


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