Yea, I know. I haven't blogged since Sunday. But, I haven't had much to blog about. But, today I've accumulated enough silliness to pinch out a Blog of Geekdom for all you fine folks (the 4 of you that actually bother with this site) to waste your precious time reading.
First on the agenda, CONGRATU-FRELLING-LATIONS to my friend Leslie who went down to Indiana for a day and attended Gen Con (Note from Zangz: not really Gen Con unless it's in Millwaukee. Yep. Still bitter.) where she won a Star Wars costume contest by dressing as Viqi Shesh! Most of you reading this (4 of you) will be asking yourselves, "Who the frell is Viqi Shesh?" She's a character from the later, New Jedi Order novels (you know, the books where they killed off Chewie and had 90% of the Star Wars universe destroyed by a new and nasty alien race). As I understand it, she's a traitorous villain (Not Leslie! Viqi!), and the judges were not only impressed with the outfit (tailored by someone named Beret), but also by the fact that she picked a character that had never been costumed. So, again congrats to Leslie for winning out over a guy in a Boba Fett outfit and claiming first prize! $100 is headed Leslie's way. You'd think that Gen Con would pony up a bit more cash since they're such the money machine since they left Milwaukee. (sarcasm Mode: stuck in the "On Mode")
Next (second!) on the agenda.... Alcohol! Yeah, alcohol!!!! This past week the temperature has been a bit chilly for August. We've been hitting 50 degrees in the evenings. I've also noticed that some of the trees are starting to change colors ever so slightly. These are the signs that my favorite season of the year (Fall, you knobs!) is on the way. But, one of the best signs that crops up is the fact that there's a certain Octoberfest beer that is starting to hit the store shelves right now. I don't know if it would be proper etiquette here at Blogger.com to mention a company , brand name (I don't want this to turn into a beer commercial). But, suffice it to say, it is a brewing company out of Boston that makes a Lager and is named after an American historical figure with the initials of S.A. (and if you can't figure out what beer co. that is... I weep for you.) Tonight I had my first of the fall season. And all I can tell you is this one simple statement....
"Drinking this Octoberfest is like suckling the nectar of the god's from the teet of Mother Nature herself ,while joyfully taking in the flow of autumnal love as it passes over the taste buds and reaches the gullet!" - Zangz, 2005 A.D.
And you can frellin' quote me on that!!!! It's all about the deep, yet not overpowering taste, the smooth delivery down the throat and the slight cinnamon after taste that hits you after it leaves your mouth. Since I won't be hitting nearly as many haunted attractions this Halloween as I have in year's past, this year will be all about the Octoberfest!
The Third subject to cover on tonight's docket is the question, "When the frell is Type-O-Negative ever coming out with their next album? First, their website has told us that the lead vocalist/bassist/main song writer, Pete, had some health issues that cancelled last year's fall tour. Then it hinted that he was ok and that they were starting to record their next album that is supposed to come out this year. Then they freaked a bunch of their fans out by posting a graphic that hinted that Pete had died. The band then admitted that is was a case of April Fools joke. Then they took away a mass majority of their website and left the message board. Usually the band likes to release their albums around the fall season. But, there is no word on what is going on with the band. So we wait and see what the frell they'll come up with this time. Though, they are certainly not lyrically the most politically correct band. I still feel they are the most underrated hard rock band of our time. They'll never get the accolades they deserve. Perhaps that's the way they like it. Most people lump them in as a Goth band, or a Metal band, or a Hard Core band. But, at the end of the day, they're just Type-O-Negative! I'm listening to their album, "October Rust" as I write this. No matter how many times I listen to it, I still marvel at it!
I think that's all for today. Now that I've kissed the butt of both SA Boston Lager and Type-O-Negative, I'd be nice to get some free stuff out of it. (a couple 12 packs of Octoberfest? Advanced copy of next album?). I'm not gunna hold my breath.
"Well, that's about it... that's all I have... I hope it wasn't too disappointing. You will hear from me again on the next Blog of Geekdom. Until then.... take it eas.............................................................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................."
(Right now a bunch of Type-O-Negative fans are giggling to themselves in recognition and thinking about how clever I am....... NOT!)
The Third subject to cover on tonight's docket is the question, "When the frell is Type-O-Negative ever coming out with their next album? First, their website has told us that the lead vocalist/bassist/main song writer, Pete, had some health issues that cancelled last year's fall tour. Then it hinted that he was ok and that they were starting to record their next album that is supposed to come out this year. Then they freaked a bunch of their fans out by posting a graphic that hinted that Pete had died. The band then admitted that is was a case of April Fools joke. Then they took away a mass majority of their website and left the message board. Usually the band likes to release their albums around the fall season. But, there is no word on what is going on with the band. So we wait and see what the frell they'll come up with this time. Though, they are certainly not lyrically the most politically correct band. I still feel they are the most underrated hard rock band of our time. They'll never get the accolades they deserve. Perhaps that's the way they like it. Most people lump them in as a Goth band, or a Metal band, or a Hard Core band. But, at the end of the day, they're just Type-O-Negative! I'm listening to their album, "October Rust" as I write this. No matter how many times I listen to it, I still marvel at it!
I think that's all for today. Now that I've kissed the butt of both SA Boston Lager and Type-O-Negative, I'd be nice to get some free stuff out of it. (a couple 12 packs of Octoberfest? Advanced copy of next album?). I'm not gunna hold my breath.
"Well, that's about it... that's all I have... I hope it wasn't too disappointing. You will hear from me again on the next Blog of Geekdom. Until then.... take it eas.............................................................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................."
(Right now a bunch of Type-O-Negative fans are giggling to themselves in recognition and thinking about how clever I am....... NOT!)
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